Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Beauty

I love where I live. I love to see the mountains and especially the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. When my kids were younger they started calling a sunset or sunrise "the beauty."

Yet, this is the view from my front window.

I have a choice to make, I can either let the power pole and all the lines annoy me and ruin the beauty for me, or I can see through them to the beauty. The beauty is there whether I take the time to soak it in or not, and whether there are things obstructing part of the view or not. So I try to enjoy it as often as possible.

I've thought a lot about how looking at a sunrise through all these lines is an analogy for how I can look at life. I can name each and every cable for a trial or annoyance or a person who is making my life stressful. Or, I can look past some things and do my best to enjoy the beauty in life. There are definitely times when I wish those cables weren't there, or when one particular trial takes up a lot more of my view than I'd wish. I do also enjoy the chance to look at the beauty from other viewpoints, but I still love where I live and what I can see.

I've been feeling impressed to start a blog for several years now, and I knew that this was the first thing I'd post about. Hopefully my insights can be helpful to someone.